From the heart of Big Sky Country comes a humorous, fast-paced, inspiring, religious speaker who embraces faith and family.
TAMARA has spoken for the Family Research Council and emceed for President George W. Bush and President Trump. Her unique ability to weave hope, heart and humor made her a high demand speaker for Pro-Life banquets, Christian Women Conferences, Home School Associations and Christian School Convocations.

Practical solutions wrapped in motivational stories
TAMARA offers practical solutions, wrapped in motivational stories and tied up with an abundance of laughter. Her evaluations are always top notch and typically state, “I’ve never laughed so hard or learned so much.”
ANCHORAGE ALASKA: “The gift of humor cannot be overrated. Sometimes speakers are afforded light laughter as sort of a professional courtesy. The out loud laughs that Tamara Hall elicited were genuine and earned.”
President, Montana Association of Realtors: “You are a dynamo. Listening to you is like a ride on an emotional roller coaster….What a thought-provoking, powerful speaker.“
Prolife Banquets
TAMARA tickles the funny bone, lifts the spirit, and challenges the conscience.
As an award winning newspaper columnist, popular radio host and political activist, Tamara has been a warrior for life for 20 years. She has been maligned, mocked and threatened but she has never been dissuaded to back down. Just the opposite! Tamara marches into the battle with contagious hope and enthusiasm.

Topic: A call to be bold in the face of battle
A CALL TO battle: “Abortion is a war against humanity: The battle is hard but we are winning.” Tamara’s personal story of overcoming an abusive childhood and a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis brings authenticity and candor to her empowering message of fighting the war.
A CALL TO acceptance: “Every baby is a miracle, uniquely created by a sovereign God.” Tamara weaves the rewards of raising a special child with the humor and joy of motherhood. “Would you make the cut?” she asks, realizing, “We are all imperfect. Some people just wear their disabilities on the outside. Are you willing to accept a world where only the perceived flawless are worthy of life?”
A CALL TO kindness: “The women who believed the lie are also victims of abortion.” Tamara’s previous pro-choice stance was changed by a Christian woman who presented the hard truth wrapped in mercy. “Women who accepted the lies are wounded and must be treated with God’s limitless grace.”
A CALL TO stay faithful: “Through Christ, life conquered death: With Christ, life will conquer abortion.” Tamara’s deep faith brings joy to her message of fighting the good fight.
Christian Women Conferences and Banquets
“Tammy” Hall, M.Ed., is a humorist and writer who spoke in 49 states, 8 Canadian provines, Ethiopia and Tanzania for corporations, businesses, educational groups and associations. No doubt about it…Tamara was accomplishing her goals, feeding her ego and filling her pocket book….And then God called her to jump off the worldly merry-go-round, reevaluate her priorities and change course.
Tamara now focuses on encouraging women to embrace the joys of being a woman whether a mother, grandmother, friend, worker, wife, divorcee, single or widowed.

Topic: I am woman – hear me laugh
There is great joy in knowing our purpose, passion and path as women. We were designed by a sovereign God to serve Him and mentor others. This uplifting presentation is packed with humor because research proves people learn more and retain better if they are laughing… and because God warned us in Proverbs 17:22: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.” Life is tough enough without dry bones!
Illinois: “We were truly touched by Tamara’s stories and sense of humor. She shared important life lessons that we all need to be reminded of.”
Stampin’ UP! Utah: “Thank you again for the absolutely fabulous job you did for us. Our demonstrators were laughing, crying and laughing again during your presentation. But more importantly they went home with solid information regarding how to manage conflicts and how to identify and deal with various personality types.”
Topic: Burnout is not a way to keep warm!
Too many women have forgotten how to keep their lives in perspective. Tamara reveals how to stay focused and successful while handling the myriad of challenges inherent in being a woman, a mother, a friend, a spouse, a volunteer, a worker and a provider. Tamara empowers the participants to take control of their lives by differentiating the destruction of perfectionism from the joy of positive production.
“I pray a little, worry a lot,
Play a little, hurry a lot.
Help me Lord remove the blocks,
From this road I choose to walk.”
– Tamara “Tammy” Hall
NEW CASTLE, KANSAS: “Your presentation was a blast of belly-laughing humor, motivational direction and a sprinkle of divine guidance. Numerous people commented, ‘I cannot remember when I laughed so hard’ or ‘It seemed like she was talking directly to me and my problems.’”